Congratulations to the Class of 2023

Celebrating our UWC Atlantic graduates

Aaron and David with the Pestalozzi-UWC Scholars

The Class of 2023 Pestalozzi-UWC Scholars celebrated the completion of their 2-year IB Diploma course at UWC Atlantic on 20 May.

Brallan, Fred, Hari, Menard and Mingla were joined by Chair of Trustees Aaron Eckhoff and Trustee David Little.

‘It was great to see our scholars reach the final stage of their time with UWC.  Even more pleasing was hearing all of the wonderful stories of our students from the past two years.  The theme was clear, our students were loved by the community at UWC and they made a massive positive impact on the students and staff.  The consensus is that they will all be greatly missed,’ shared Aaron.

All five scholars have secured places and funding to continue their undergraduate studies at various colleges in the US.

Aaron and David with Tashia and Tenzin

Mingla shared, ‘I am very grateful for the two wonderful years that provided me with millions of opportunities. Those were the two most challenging yet rewarding years for me.’

The Pestalozzi-UWC scholarship has been key in enabling these young people to access good quality education and in opening doors to future opportunities.

As Hari explained, ‘Pestalozzi has completely changed the course of my life. It completely changed what I want to achieve in life and I hope to help someone like me in the future. It gave me wings and has given me the power to achieve and help others.’

May 2022

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